More AmeriCorps NCCC Members On Their Way

In 2008, the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) started a Midwest Regional Campus at the Iowa Braille and Sight-Saving School (IBSSS) in Vinton. The new campus was home to approximately 160 NCCC members from around the country. Next month, April 2010, the number of NCCC members based at the Vinton campus will increase by 80 members.

The NCCC members arrive in Vinton to serve the Midwest region for a 10-month rotation. Each rotation is known as a class. With the addition of the new members, there will be 240 AmeriCorps NCCC members based in Vinton for each class.

The AmeriCorps members are between the ages of 18 and 24, and come from a variety of backgrounds with either a high school diploma and may also have some college education or even a college degree. They receive $4,250 at the end of their enrollment to apply toward educational costs.

If you know of a non-profit organization, or belong to one, and need some additional assistance in completing a project, contact the AmeriCorps Vinton campus to see if the NCCC members can help. Their phone number is 319-472-9660.